Thursday 10 May 2018

Predestination : Is everything predetermined?

Is life predetermined? Will, no matter what you do to try and change the past, will you only discover that it was meant to happen anyway? Your going back may well have been part of the plan. What do you think?

I have included at the bottom of this blogpost a great youtube video of Predestination (the movie) explained. I enjoyed the film the first time through, I have since tried to watch it again, but as I already knew the outcome, some of the slower portions of the movie became to much of a distraction to actually wait for the action or interaction to occur.

But it does get you to thinking, Is life predetermined?

Will going back in time just create the same desperate reaction?

As most of the thoughts people have about time travel are ones of going back to correct something which went wrong. Is it sometimes best just to learn from your mistakes and not make the same mistake again.

Now I can see the advantage of studying the past, learning more from it. Rather than trying to deduce what the dinosaurs did from old bones and crimes scene investigation type enquiries. Yes to go back and see them in reality would be interesting. But who is to say that us going back to see them wasn't the course of their extinction.

As with the cartoon above, yes you go back, but have you not just done what we already known to have happened? Maybe the explanation which is created, is that of the mystery has gone of how it happened.

Now I have started a project ( Our books travelling through time and space. ) of sending books out to various cafes, coffee bars and independent food outlets. I have made it random, in respects of followers suggest where to send the books and the books are chosen as to whoever responds to our ( Meet the Time Travel authors ) section. What will come of this? What will be the story in the future? Whom will this blog interact with?

All of the questions above I don't know the answers to, I do believe everything happens for a reason, and you can't just sit back and wait for something to happen. Your reward may be predetermined but your reward is I feel given to you on the basis of what work you have put into what you are doing.

I would enjoy reading you thoughts, also if you have any suggestions for where to send books, or if you are a time travel author and you would like to do an article for ( Meet the Time Travel authors ) section. Then leave a comment and I will be back in touch.


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