Sunday 22 April 2018

Causal Loop

causal loop in the context of time travel or the causal structure of space time, is a sequence of events (actions, information, objects, people) in which an event is among the causes of another event, which in turn is among the causes of the first-mentioned event. Such causally-looped events then exist in space time, but their origin cannot be determined.

This explained in a past post gathered from SLATE Back to the Future Gets Time Travel Wrong. The Terminator Gets It Right. suggesting that John Connors sending Kyle Reese back in time to protect his mother Sarah Connors created the Causal Loop. As Kyle and Sarah become close and procreate to thus create John who then in the future. Who is then in a position to send Kyle back.

But what happens first? For Kyle to be sent back for John has to be born, and for John to be born Kyle has to be sent back.... A true chicken and egg scenario. Follow this Terminator link for more information on the franchise.

Now this whole thread itself was stuck on the premise of what to talk about first. As I had examples of not just Terminator , but also the films Interstellar and Predestination. As I am working my way through the blog posts I will add the links. But do I talk about the films then do a post about causal loop? Or do I do a Causal Loop blog post and then write about the films?

This is why I enjoy thinking, writing and discussing time travel. Hopefully we don't get bogged down in politics or religion. But just the simple what ifs? and Hows? Are interesting enough for me.

Where would you suggest the beginning of a causal loops is?
Does an event just get stuck on a loop until resolved? (live, die, repeat) style

Would love to read your thoughts below in the comments section.

link to information from wiki about causal loops

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