Sunday, 29 April 2018

Meet the author (Joe Pranaitis - Infinite Stars:: Chronicles & Shatter Time anthology)

It is great to be able to share your thoughts, and to get an insight into other folks, my own interest is that of Time Travel so I have been searching the Internet, sending out invitations to authors and I would like to thank today's chosen author for their reply. To read more contributions from authors click on Meet the Time Travel authors

Today we read about 

Joe Pranaitis


How and why I got into writing started when I was a kid and I had drawn comic strips then later in high school my art teacher gave me a special assignment for two semesters which was to write and draw my own comic book (She had seen me read ST:TNG comics in class) But my writing didn't start to get refined until the summer between high School and college when I adapted those two comics into a trilogy of which my first book Infinite Stars: Chronicles Book One has the opening story and I have been filling in the bits and peaces since then.

Out of all of my books it's hard to say which one I enjoyed writing the most and I have volumes that are yet to be published but now that I'm working with createspace they will be out but one per year.

As for who inspired me, that would be Diane Carey who wrote the star trek book Final Frontier which deals with the launch of the original Enterprise under her first captain Robert April. Plus I've also been inspired my the series Babylon 5 of which I've applied the arc story method to my books. 

My thoughts on TIME TRAVEL, well considering that I've been writing a temporal war with my Kindle Worlds stories set in the Chronos Files universes  I would say that it would be something that I wouldn't mind trying at least once plus it's a good story method too.

click the link below for the full range of Joes' work

Our first meet the author (Stoney deGeyter - A Crossed Time)

One thing you notice more than anything on twitter, is that when you search hashtag #timetravel you will find a large proportion of people tweeting about timetravel books, which they have written or in the process of writing. Myself I fall into the latter category.

I then got to thinking what inspired these folks to write? What was their own take on time travel? As Isaac Newton pronounced he did a lot of his own great work by "Standing on the shoulder of giants" So for me to learn, you take note from those who have been there and done it, and more than likely selling you their own branded "T-shirt".

Time above all else is so precious, so I would like to thank our first author for sparing some of his own time, and sharing his thoughts with us all.

Let me present.....

Stoney deGeyter ... who you can follow on twitter @StoneyWrites

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Black Holes: Crash Course Astronomy

How Time Travel Could Be Possible With Wormholes | Through The Wormhole

Time Travel | National Geographic

Would love your thoughts folks, feel free to use the comments section.



In my humble opinion this is one of the most well constructed films concerning the subject of time travel and space travel of the modern media age. It may well have been the theoretical physicist on board the project which made all the difference. I found it an enjoyable few hours of viewing and rarely descending into outrage with rants at the flat screen TV of "But that is just not plausible". 
This film covers so many subjects, such as

On the point of the Causal Loop I would be interested in other folks opinions (and feel free to comment in the comment section below) when was the first time that Joseph sent the co-ordinates to Murphy? He realises he had been Murphys' "ghost" and sent the quantum data needed for plan A to work. But he then had also sent the co-ordinates for them to find the secret NASA facility. When did this happen the first time? In order to find the facility a future Joseph has to send the co ordinates back and for the future Joseph to be where he was, he would have had to have found the secret base via those co-ordinates given. 

The time dilation which occurs in the film is also what I believe to be the plausible form of time travel we may ever experience physically. If we were able to send ourselves off at great speed ( So that gravitational Time Dilation can occur) out into space then come back at that great speed, where we may have only been travelling for say 10 year we may well have had a 100 years elapse on earth. Which then makes it a one way journey into the future not knowing what you would be returning too.

On the point of plausible time travel, The sort which may not be physically taken but at least observed. I do think that if we had a powerful enough telescope to pin point and watch a particular area/event we could indeed view the past. We know when looking up at the night sky that the stars we see, by the light which they omit, is various light years old and when the stars were first omitting this light we were in an age many millennia ago. So if we could go far enough away from the earth at faster than light speed propulsion, then look back through our telescope we could in theory watch past events unfold.

The small matter of not being able to go faster than light speed or have the telescope to view such events do make it difficult for the theory to stand up, but nether less it is a possibility in my opinion. (Would also love to read you thoughts upon that as well)
Plot sourced from wiki full info on the film click this LINK
In the mid-21st century, crop blights and dust storms threaten humanity's survival. Joseph Cooper, a widowed engineer and former NASA pilot, runs a farm with his father-in-law Donald, son Tom, and daughter Murphy. Living in a post-truth society, Cooper is reprimanded for telling Murphy that the Apollo missions were not fake; he encourages her to carefully observe and record what she sees. They discover that dust patterns, which Murphy first attributes to a ghost, result from gravity variations, and translate into geographic coordinates. These lead them to a secret NASA facility headed by Cooper's former supervisor, Professor John Brand, who explains that 48 years earlier a wormhole appeared near Saturn, opening a path to a distant galaxy with twelve potentially habitable planets located near a black hole named Gargantua. Volunteers had previously traveled through the wormhole to evaluate the planets, with Miller, Edmunds, and Mann reporting back desirable results. Brand explains he has conceived two plans to ensure humanity’s survival - Plan A involves developing a gravitationalpropulsion theory, allowing a mass exodus from Earth, while Plan B is a conventional launch of the Endurance spacecraft with 5,000 frozen embryos to colonize a habitable planet. Cooper is recruited to pilot the Endurance. When Murphy refuses to see him off, he leaves her his wristwatch to compare their relative time when he returns.
The crew consists of Cooper, the robots TARS and CASE, and the scientists Dr. Amelia Brand, (Professor Brand's daughter), Romilly, and Doyle. After traversing the wormhole, Cooper, Doyle, and Brand use a lander to investigate Miller's planet, where time is severely dilated. After landing in knee-high water and finding only wreckage from Miller's expedition, a gigantic tidal wave kills Doyle and waterlogs the lander's engines. By the time the engines restart, 23 years have elapsed in terms of Earth time.
Having enough fuel for only one of the other two planets, Cooper rules they go to Mann's, as he is still broadcasting. En route, they receive messages from Earth. Murphy Cooper is now a scientist working on Plan A. On his deathbed, Professor Brand revealed to her that Plan B was his only real plan, knowing that Plan A required observations of gravitational singularities from within a black hole.
On Mann's planet, the Endurance crew revive Mann from cryostasis. He assures them colonization is possible, despite an extreme environment. On an excursion, Mann attempts to kill Cooper and reveals that he falsified the data in the hope of being rescued. He steals Cooper's lander and heads for the Endurance. While a booby trap set by Mann kills Romilly, Brand rescues Cooper with the other lander and they race to the Endurance. Mann is killed in a failed manual docking operation, severely damaging the Endurance. Through a difficult docking manoeuvre, Cooper regains control.
With insufficient fuel, they resort to a slingshot around Gargantua which costs them another 51 years. In the process, Cooper and TARS must jettison their landers to allow Brand and CASE to reach Edmunds' planet. Slipping past the event horizon of Gargantua, they eject from their craft and find themselves in a tesseract, possibly constructed by humans of the far future. Across time, Cooper can see through the bookcases of Murphy's old room on Earth and weakly interact with its gravity. Realizing that he is now Murphy's "ghost", he manipulates the second hand of the wristwatch he gave her before he left, transmitting via Morse code the quantum data that TARS collected from inside the event horizon.
The tesseract, its purpose completed, collapses and ejects Cooper and TARS. Cooper wakes on a huge station, orbiting Saturn. He reunites with Murphy, now an old woman nearing death. Using the quantum data, she was able to develop the gravitational propulsion theory, enabling humanity’s exodus and transformation into an advanced spacefaring civilization. She reminds Cooper that Amelia Brand is out there alone. Cooper and TARS take a spacecraft to rejoin Brand and CASE, who are setting up a human colony on Edmunds' habitable planet.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Time Travel With Your Fridge?

Since H.G. Wells combined the words "time travel" — and used them so systematically to refer to using a machine to travel to a certain date in the calendar — in The Time Machine in 1895, scientists and the public at large have been fascinated with its possibility.
Establishing the rules of time-traveling became part of science in the 19th century. Albert Einstein famously entered these debates, showing us how we could do it. So did the late Stephen Hawking, who wrote a children's book with his daughter about time travel. And Kip S. Thorne (winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics), too, filling Black Holes & Time Warps with adventures of going down a wormhole where "within a fraction of your second of your own time you will arrive on Earth, in the era of your youth 4 billion years ago." Many other cosmologists and physicists have followed suit, crafting stunning narratives and imagining new laboratory experiments to test them out.
Quantum mechanics gives us particular time-traveling options, that differ from those of relativity theory, by showing how we can fidget with entangled atomic properties. "Physicists Demonstrate How to Reverse of the Arrow of Time," ran a recent headline in MIT Technology Review, while "'Arrow of time' reversed in quantum experiment," was the headline used by Science News.
In these experiments, time is reversed because scientists can make a cold object heat up a hotter one. Thus, these experiments promise to be an entryway into yet another area traditionally considered the realm of science fiction: perpetual motion. But a Second-Law-of-Thermodynamics-breaking-gadget might not be just right around the corner. Even less likely is one that will reverse time.
The announcement relies on the assumption that our sense of time is due to the law of entropy, which is commonly used to explain the "arrow of time."
In the 19th century, scientists' speculations about how they might go about actually reversing time started reaching wide audiences. In a landmark lecture published in the journal Nature on April 9, 1874, the physicist and engineer William Thomson (known as Lord Kelvin) described how the world would look if it suddenly started running in reverse:
"The bursting bubble of foam at the foot of a waterfall would reunite and descend into the water ... Boulders would recover from the mud the materials required to build them into their previous jagged forms, and would become reunited to the mountain peat from which they had formerly broken away ... living creatures would grow backwards, with conscious knowledge of the future, but no memory of the past, and would become again unborn."
Scientists of the Victorian era concluded that the reason why time flowed in one direction was the same one that made heat travel from hot to cold. Hence, they came up with the first idea for manipulating time: Manipulate the direction of atoms in motion. New molecular theories of heat taught scientists that the best way to control the movement of atoms was by changing their temperature. While heated objects tend to reach temperature equilibrium, the reverse operation is highly unlikely.
"It is very improbable that in the course of 1,000 years one-half of the bar of iron shall of itself become warmer by a degree than the other half," explained Thompson. But these effects could sometimes happen spontaneously. Chances were slim, but real. In fact, the molecular view of nature required this possibility to exist. The "probability of this happening before 1,000,000 years pass is 1,000 times as great as that it will happen in the course of 1,000 years, and that it certainly will happen in the course of some very long time," explained Thomson.
The Victorian public listened to Thomson's calculations in awe.
Thomson had matured quite a bit as a scientist and intellectual by the time he offered these numbers. As a younger man, he and his brother had chased with jejune enthusiasm a host of possible entropy-busting perpetual motion machines. Their contraptions proved not only to not function at all, but they had often already been thought up by ingenious others. (A friend of James Thomson politely told him he should go back to studying before talking so big: "It seems to me to be nearly as great a waste of time, making attempts at useful discovery without this previous knowledge, as for a person to labour at working out the highest problems in Astronomy without having first gone through the Calculus." He signed off, "believe me my dear James.")
But eventually, James's inventive genius led to significant improvements to water wheels, pumps and turbines. William's contributions to science, in turn, led him to be elevated to the peerage by Queen Victoria (as first Baron of Kelvin) and to have a temperature scale named after him.
Enter the refrigerator.
When history delivered a temperature-equilibrium-reversing-machine in the form of the refrigerator, one of the first domestic fridge companies adopted the name Kelvinator. They had once been so fascinating that they even attracted the attention Einstein, who applied for a patent. Historian Gene Dannen recounts how the attorney in charge of it was so taken aback when he read the name Einstein in the application that he wrote back: "I would be interested to know if Albert Einstein is the same person who propounded the theory of relativity."
Before the commercialization of refrigerators in the late 1920s by Electrolux, Frigidaire and others, the dream of reversing time by reversing the flow of heat had captivated headlines. It still does. Although the refrigerator did not reverse the entropy of the universe, it did so locally, inside a well-insulated enclosure. It did not deliver on the promise of making time run backwards, but it did permit milk and vegetables to last a bit longer.
Scientists today have succeeded in using a strong magnetic field to make the nuclei in hydrogen particles of chloroform get hotter, while their colder carbon partners got colder.
Have they reversed time?
If this history of thermodynamics can teach us anything, it is that these modest temperature reversals have not taken us back in time at all. But it is more fun to think otherwise. So next time you open the fridge door, let your mind wander off as if on a voyage to the past. If you want to go into the future, you might try your oven.
But if you want to really travel in time, you might try the old fashion way of doing it: Turn to history and literature.

"For to converse with those of other ages and to travel is almost the same thing," wrote René Descartes, in the 17th century.

source link to this article

Proof Of Time-Travel: Blockchain Hashing & Timestamping Use?

Time travel is defined as the use of a time machine to move between two or more points in time. A time machine is similar to a vehicle that connects different points in time. However, time travel is still a concept and it has never been proved if it is possible to time-travel into the past or the future.
There have also been claims from different individuals that they have time traveled through time. These cases have been only speculative and no one has been able to prove whether these time travelling individuals were actually authentic.

What Is Proof Of Time-Travel?

Proof of Time-Travel is an online platform that seeks to implement the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts to prove that time-travel is real and not a concept and that there are time travelers existing in our current timeline. The platform will provide an opportunity for time travelers or those claiming to have time traveled to prove their claims to the world.
The time travelling individuals will begin by first entering a future block number and its hash also. Once the individual has input the hash and block number on the platform, this will prove that they are from a future time, as it will highlight the fact that the time traveler was aware of the hash even before it was mined.

Blockchain Hashing & Timestamping Use Rewards

Time travelers who have successfully proved that they are from our timelines can be able to claim and be rewarded with all the ETH using the smart contract, which is an agreement, stored and recorded on the blockchain and cannot be altered once signed by both parties.
Predictions on the platform can be made at a cost of 0.001 ETH by connecting their accounts to the platform using a Mist Browser to access their Ethereum wallets and Mist Beta. Donations to the platform are also accepted using the contract address provided on the official website.
However, the Proof of time-travel platform only works in universes that only have a single timeline. Using the platform in multiple timeline universes might result in distortion and destabilization of reality.

Proof Of Time-Travel Merits

Proving Time Concept

It one of the world’s first online platforms that have adopted the use of blockchain to prove that time travelling is actually real. Through using of the platform time travelers have the opportunity to prove that time travel is not fictional or myths.


Time travelers have the opportunity to make money in form of ETH on the platform as once they have proved they are time travelers they can earn ETH.


The adoption of blockchain technology is a guarantee that the time traveler's data will be secure and inaccessible by any other third party and that all the transaction through the platform are secure.

Smart Contract

Smart contracts are used in automating contracts and ensuring each party in the transaction fulfills their obligation in transaction. The platform’s integration of smart contracts leads to faster transactions and prevention of fraud.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Time travel is actual science — and pretty common too

source UK Business Insider @businessinsider

Causal Loop

causal loop in the context of time travel or the causal structure of space time, is a sequence of events (actions, information, objects, people) in which an event is among the causes of another event, which in turn is among the causes of the first-mentioned event. Such causally-looped events then exist in space time, but their origin cannot be determined.

This explained in a past post gathered from SLATE Back to the Future Gets Time Travel Wrong. The Terminator Gets It Right. suggesting that John Connors sending Kyle Reese back in time to protect his mother Sarah Connors created the Causal Loop. As Kyle and Sarah become close and procreate to thus create John who then in the future. Who is then in a position to send Kyle back.

But what happens first? For Kyle to be sent back for John has to be born, and for John to be born Kyle has to be sent back.... A true chicken and egg scenario. Follow this Terminator link for more information on the franchise.

Now this whole thread itself was stuck on the premise of what to talk about first. As I had examples of not just Terminator , but also the films Interstellar and Predestination. As I am working my way through the blog posts I will add the links. But do I talk about the films then do a post about causal loop? Or do I do a Causal Loop blog post and then write about the films?

This is why I enjoy thinking, writing and discussing time travel. Hopefully we don't get bogged down in politics or religion. But just the simple what ifs? and Hows? Are interesting enough for me.

Where would you suggest the beginning of a causal loops is?
Does an event just get stuck on a loop until resolved? (live, die, repeat) style

Would love to read your thoughts below in the comments section.

link to information from wiki about causal loops

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Proof of time travel? Painting from 1850 shows woman texting on iPhone!

The scene looks for the world like a 21st century teenager texting or looking at social media while carelessly walking down the street but was actually painted around 1850.In ‘The Expected One’ Austrian artist Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller,shows a young man waiting on a countryside path holding a pinking flower while a girl approaches with her attention gripped by a small rectangular object in her hands.The time travel scenario was sparked on Twitter by retired local government officer Peter Russell in response to a similar image being posted.He told Motherboard : “What strikes me most is how much a change in technology has changed the interpretation of the painting…


Friday, 20 April 2018

Time traveller tape: GOD sent man ‘back to 1860’ to fight bloody war

AN ALLEGED time traveller has broken the silence on his “prophetic” journeys through time and space, revealing in a shock confession tape, God himself has sent him back in time to the early years of America’s turbulent history.

SOURCE Daily Express
YouTuber Steve Pursell shared his bizarre confession online in a bid to spread the revelation of his alleged encounter with God.
In the video, Mr Pursell claims to have travelled back in time to the year 1860, where he found himself right in the middle of the bloody US Civil War.
He said: “Hello brothers and sisters, this is your friend Steve Pursell. The date is April 18, 2018.
“Just wanted to share with you a prophetic experience the Lord gave me yesterday. I was feeling particularly lousy and I was wiped out and I was in bed and I was feeling like I was having a horrible heart attack.
“I was in pain and feeling like I was dying frankly, but the Lord came to me so strongly – He often comes to me when in pain and distress and pulls me through – and He took me back in time again.
“It wasn’t as profound as the first time I went back in time. The Lord took me back in time last year and I don’t think I’ve ever done a video on this. I apologise for that.
“But the Lord took me back in time and I was in a Civil War battle in 1860 and I was on the battlefield. I believe I was fighting with the Union and I was hiding behind a fallen tree.”
The YouTuber claims he was armed with “old style” weapons from the era, taking shots at the enemy, reloading behind the tree trunk and generally participating in the chaos.
Time travel confession tape videoGETTY•YOUTUBE
Time traveller confession: This man claims to have been in the US Civil War
Time travel confession tape videoYOUTUBE
Time travel: Steve Pursell claims God sent him back in time to 1860 and 1776
The supposed time travelling experience only lasted a couple of minutes, but Mr Pursell underlined it was an extremely “profound” experience.
I had a sense it was another time travel experience
Steve Pursell
He said: “The Lord had really taken me back in time, I was really there. It wasn’t just a vision of that thing happening.
“It was me experiencing being there and I believe He was showing me that because He’s been giving me stuff about our Civil War here in America that’s happening.”
But the “time traveller’s” adventures did not stop there because God supposedly thrust him back in time once more this week, all the way to the US Revolutionary War of 1776.
However, this time Mr Pursell claims he did not experience the event “quite as much” as he did in the past.
He said: “There was a sense of me being there but it just didn’t seem – of course I was more out of it because my heart felt bad – but it still had that sense of being back in time and being there.
“I was seeing colonial soldiers loading cannons and rifles, and firing, and I was hearing the sounds and the percussion of the guns.
“It seemed as if they were seeing me because they were pointing at me hollering and stuff like that. I had a sense it was another  experience.”
But why has the YouTuber shared his bizarre experiences with the world? Mr Pursell claimed he wants people to openly talk such events.
He said: “Time is just another dimension. Just like you can jump off of a building and travel through the dimension of height.”
And yet there is absolutely no physical evidence at the moment to support the theory humans are capable of travelling backwards into the past.
According to Professor William Hiscock of Montana State University, moving forwards in time is an observable effect of the time-dilation of Special Relativity.
Time travel confession tape videoYOUTUBE
Time travel shock: The YouTuber said he had fought in the US Civil War
Time travel confession tape videoGETTY
Time travel claims: There is no evidence to support claims of time travelling backwards
But moving backwards in time appears to be a complete dead end at our current understanding of physics.
The time travel expert said: “Time travel into the past, which is what people usually mean by time travel, is a much more uncertain proposition.
“There are many solutions to Einstein's equations of General Relativity that allow a person to follow a timeline that would result in her (or him) encountering herself – or her grandmother – at an earlier time.
“The problem is deciding whether these solutions represent situations that could occur in the real universe, or whether they are mere mathematical oddities incompatible with known physics.”

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Time Travelling and Tiny Technology? The Future of Particle Accelerator Impact

Source click the link for the full story


Particle accelerators have made their way into mainstream media — when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN discovered five new baryons “hiding in plain sight,” it was enough to make headlines worldwide. What’s often left out, however, is some of the basic science behind particle accelerator functions, how they’ve evolved over the years and what could come next for these high-speed subatomic smashers.

A Brief History of Making Small Things Go Really (Really) Fast

Particle accelerators work by using electric fields to accelerate groups of particles to high speeds. Two basic models — linear and circular — exist, and both require extremely cold, clean vacuum tubes that enable the particles to accelerate without interference and allow electromagnets to steer and focus the particle beam. So far, scientists have been able to boost particles to 0.99997 times the speed of light before smashing them into metal foil or other objects and recording the results.
As noted by Symmetry Magazine, the first modern circular accelerator was created in 1930 and was less than five inches across. One year later, Ernest Lawrence and M. Stanley Livingston created an 11-inch accelerator. Compare that to the circular LHC at CERN, which is five miles (eight kilometers) in diameter, or the linear accelerator at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, which is almost two miles (about three kilometers) long. Accelerators have already made significant contributions to human advancement — some are used to modify the material properties or plastics or harden joints used in semiconductors, while others are used to produce heavily-charged particles for medical treatment or inspect cargo for national security purposes.

Interesting Outcomes

Along with discovering new particles, accelerators can also be used to produce quark-gluon plasma (at 7.2 trillion degrees Fahrenheit), which is thought to have dominated the early moments of the universe and is so hot that even quark bonds are broken. Pushing particles to near the speed of light creates unique outcomes: They both gain effective mass and experience time more slowly relative to observers outside the particle accelerator. This can be seen in the lifespans of pi mesons, which typically disintegrate in millionths of a second. Accelerated to high speed, however, these particles can exist for much longer, suggesting that they’re likely experiencing a slower relative time frame.

The Future of Subatomic Smashing

So what’s next for particle accelerators? Stephen Hawking suggested they’re the basis for time travel into the future — go fast enough and everything starts to slow down. While earth-bound accelerators may not work for getting humans up to speed, the action of rapidly orbiting an object (like a circular accelerator) or going really fast in a straight line (like a linear accelerator) has yielded positive results. According to Phys, two projects are currently under review at CERN: A 31-mile (50-kilometer) long linear tunnel and a circular accelerator with a diameter of about 50 to 62 miles (80 to 100 kilometers). Already, researchers have developed a device that can produce electric pulses of 180,000 volts that last exactly 140 millionths of a second with no disruptions from “peak pulses.” And as noted by Popular Mechanics, the development of micro-fabricated dielectric laser accelerators (DLAs) allowed the creation of millimeter-sized solutions that could rival CERN’s performance over just 100 feet. As new storage and transmission technologies develop, the results could be “tabletop” accelerators and the potential for commercialization of these particle producers.
There are more than 30,000 particle accelerators currently in use worldwide, and the number is steadily growing as new scientific breakthroughs occur and commercial applications become less costly. The market here is both shrinking and expanding as research teams look for new ways to speed up subatomic particles, reduce the footprint of facilities and continue to propel humanity into the future.